Friday, March 30, 2012

Facebook Makeover

Fighting to be transformed? Why doesn’t your Facebook show that?

When you truly change, everything about you and around you does it too. Yes, Facebook page included.

So, here are a few things to consider for an “extreme profile makeover”.

Friends: Do you really need to accept anyone that sends you a friend request?
This is what you could ask yourself before hitting “accept”: Do you know them? What does their profile picture say about them? Why would you be interested in knowing what they post and think? Are they people of good character and habits? Will their posts be beneficial or will they lead you to things you would rather keep away from you? Why do you think it’s okay for them to learn more about your life?
Make sure you go about your list of friends and do a clean up too. Remember: it’s easier for them to drag you to what it’s wrong than for you to lead them down the right path.

Wall: Make sure there are no curse words, dirty jokes or sentences with a double meaning —those that sound clean but hide dirty references behind them. Of course, we know you haven’t written them; some “good” friend of yours did it. Anyways, they don’t look good on you. Leaving them in your wall is like shouting: “I’m okay with it!” And please, unfriend that “friend” that keeps on doing that.

Pics: Why would you keep all those old pics of yours there? Yeah, those of you partying, sticking your tongue out while holding a beer, vomiting after getting drunk or posing for the camera inviting people to undress you with their eyes. Not to mention pictures of half-dressed girls or boys, or those you took with old friends that don’t get along with the new you.

By all means, keep some of those stored somewhere so you can show how much you’ve been transformed, but don’t show them in your Facebook —unless you do it like this {show YPG before and after pics}. That’s not you anymore.

Status & Comments: Watch what you say and comment. It seems that some people get bolder to speak nonsense just because they are doing it virtually. Someone you know —or at least you’ve heard about— put it this way:
Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back to haunt you. There will be a time of Reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation." (Mat 12.36-37, The Message)

Wanna know a secret? Whenever I want to know someone better I look him or her up on Facebook. I find it quite an eye opener. I guess that’s why some have opted to open Facebook accounts under a pseudonym.

P.S.: We are not aiming for you to become a bible freak; filling up your wall with bible verses, pictures at church with your pastor and things of the like. Nope, you should just look neat and balanced; like someone who’s been truly transformed. That should be natural to you.

Luke Castro
YPG National Coordinator


malcolm said...

I totally I agree with this I had to do all those steps that was mentioned as i didn't want people to think i was still the same person. Malcolm Koroma VYG UK

Bianca Moctezuma said...

Hello, Pastor Luke!
This is true, and I will be following this steps as well.

Thank You So Much.

Esmeralda Orozco said...

Hey Pastro Luke,

Wow, Very strong purpose. Alot of youth still have things on there fb that are still misguiding them and not making them change and leave there old lives 100%. There friends, the music, pictures etc. I believe those that really want to change completly should start this great purpose.:)

stefani lopes said...

How strong!! my facebook wasn't Dirty but like all my status was about friends, family and how my day was or where was i going. everytime somebody posted a bad wall post i would delet it but i still kept them as friends . most of my friends on facebook have dirty mouths on my news feed you would see curse words boys and girls being disgusting and many pictures of boys&girls dressing inapropiate.. boys with no shirts girls with bikini Drama everywhere and every day you would see somebodys realationship status saying somebody is an a realationship.. my profile was clean my inbox but my friends and news feed was dirtier then mud. after reading this i decided to delet most so called "freinds" and stop accepting people i don't talk to only going to keep good pictures good friends. thankyou pastor luke.

UYG UMLAZI said...

True Pr, Some of our facebook friends know us from High School, years have passed and some of us change. what we use to do, we dont do it anymore.We even had the need to update our status as follows"To all my facebuk 4rends, I LUV U with all my heart. Please no this about me, I hate pornography, filthy jokes don't make me laugh, half naked/naked men don't excite me and half naked/naked women give me da creeps. Please take this to consideration whenever u want 2 post something in my wall or tag me in any photo. cheers!" We desire to be holy even our facebook must be holy in a balance manner.

Marlon said...

Some youths that already changed or are in the way need to make a completely change in their facebook accounts to prove no with words but with facts that they really are diferent from others; and we must accept friends request by people that we know they will help us to grow spiritual rather than making us fall.