Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Interesting conversation...

I had an interesting conversation with a youth who is a member of our youth group in the UK. I worked with him for about 2 years when I was there. He found me on line on skype and decided to chat. Here is the conversation in it's entirety. 

P.S. - (I used 'youth' as a fictitious name in order to preserve his identity)

Youth: Hi Pr. Luke

Luke Castro : Hey, how r u doin?

Youth: Im very well thanks, and yourself?

Luke Castro: Doing good.

Luke Castro : How is it going over there?

Youth: How's America?

Luke Castro: Big.

Luke Castro: Different from UK.

Youth: Lol

Luke Castro: Lot's of work. Need workers for the harvest. Inerested?

Youth: I don't understand.

Luke Castro: Well, maybe it's because it isn't for you then. Got it?

Luke Castro: I misspelt a word at the end of the question: INTERESTED?

Luke Castro: Rephrasing: Lot's of work. Need workers for the harvest. Interested?

Youth: I'm interested.

Luke Castro: Okay.

Luke Castro: Do you now what I mean now?

Youth: I think i've got it.

Luke Castro: Tell me then.

Youth: Are you talking about doing the work of God?

Luke Castro: No.

Luke Castro: I'm talking about going places where no one else dare to go in order to save the lost souls.

Luke Castro: Still interested?

Youth: Meaning on the altar?

Youth: ?

Luke Castro: No. Read the last comment again. Meditate. Ponder.

Luke Castro: You wouldn't find people like that on the altar, would you?

Luke Castro: Yes, being on the altar is part of it, but not the centre.

Youth: Thats true!

Luke Castro: So...

Luke Castro: Only those who had a true encounter with God dare to go to these places, without any restriction, completely selfless.

Luke Castro: Is there still any possibility or it sounds to hard for you now?

Youth: I'm interested.

Luke Castro: Okay. Let God see that then.

Luke Castro: Make it evident. Don't just say it. Live it. Breath it.

Youth: Thank you.

Luke Castro: Stop living according to what you feel like doing and begin doing what He wants you to do.

Luke Castro: If you stick to that then we'll meet soon.

Luke Castro: God bless you.

Youth: Thanks pr you too.

Luke Castro: You're welcome.

Luke Castro: Nice talking to you.

Luke Castro: Bye for now.

Youth: You too pr.

Youth: Bye.

Got the hint? How about you, what would you do after having a similar conversation?

Pr Luke Castro


Sulma Navid said...

Interesting Conversation! Doing the work of God... Most think its being in only one certain position or place...but its not...
We can do the work of God everywhere; school,work,home,etc. :]

cecilia said...

How many times are we wasting time on the intenet and do nothing fruitful, this was a very fruitful conversation.

This youth will be in the Altar in Jesus name.

Alicia Montalvo said...

Interesting conversation. Perfect title. I agree with what Mrs.Cecilia said. Sometimes we lose a lot of time on the internet instead of doing something fruitful. And well, the work of God, few have the guts for it. INTERESTING CONVERSATION PR.LUKE!

Alessandra Esteves said...

Olá Pr. Luke! Sou uma jovem do Força Jovem aqui do Brasil e venho acompanhando seu blog,através de um site de tradução. O senhor podia colocar uma tradução em português iria nos ajudar bastante, já que na maioria das vezes a tradução desses sites não são perfeitas. Lembro-me quando o senhor veio aqui no Brasil, na Catedral Mundial da Fé no Rio de Janeiro, o senhor e sua esposa Dª Rapha. O senhor podia voltar aqui...
Que Deus os abençoe!!!

Luke Castro said...

Ola Alessandra,

Estamos providenciando alguem para nos ajudar na traducao. Voce ja nao e a primeira pessoa a nos pedir isso. Portanto vemos a necessidade.

Obrigado pela atencao e se possivel com certeza iremos ao Brasil denovo.

Na fe!

Anonymous said...

muchas gracias por poner esto precisava de oirlo pero podria porfavor ponerlo en espanol por que mi hermano y cunados no saven leer muy bien el ingles....otravez muchas gracias y seguire leyendo su blog.
que Dios lo bendiga!

Debora Anjos said...

Straight to the point as always, Pastor. That is so good.

All that we do must have a purpose. We can't accept to waste our lives with unfruitful things. Indeed, working in the harvest is a selfless deed. If we don't focus on the goal, it is easy to be trapped or distracted with all adversities that come with it...

perla said...

I want to serve God and go to places and help youths that are in need just like one day some one came up to me and took the time to help me because I was depressed an wanted to die and now thanks to those people I would like to thank God by returning the help to lost souls!

Revolted_Manila said...

Hello Ptr Luke,

i had read most of your posts in your blog in addition to the blogs(blogs of Bp Macedo, Mrs. Cristiane, Mrs. Ester, and Mrs. Evelyn) that i'm already reading that truly helps me grow Spiritually. and what i can say about this i'm well fed by the messages of yours and after reading i already have automatic desire to share this with our youths here in our local church (YPG sta.mesa, Philippines). i pray that the message touch each of the souls that will read your post. thank you so much for being the Light of God in us.

God bless you and more power to YPG around the world.

In Christ,
Cindy from Manila

Leeanne said...

Interesting indeed!
I myself used to think that serving God meant a uniform and position in the church.
But it is not, we can serve God anywhere at home, school, and work!!

Ana Villatoro said...

I liked this conversation. I say we should follow your example, every conversation we have has to be focus on to win souls for God. God bless you Pr. Luke and thank you for giving up your life to serve God in taking the youth out from darkness.

andrea dos santos said...

Intresting conversation , I liked it! After readding this conversation I felt like going out and saving souls for my Lord!..

andrea , Ireland