Thursday, February 9, 2012

Heart said: Dude, that's not for TODAY.

BRAIN: Did you know that God condemns TATTOOS and PIERCING of the body?

HEART"Hey dude, that’s not for today. Man, that’s the Old Testament. I’m under the New Testament".

BRAIN: Okay. I tell you what, did you know that "bestiality" (sicko, perverted, sex with an animal) was ONLY forbidden in the Old Testament Levitical Law? Does that mean a Holy God NOW – under the New Testament, approves of bestiality?

HEART: Well...

BRAIN: Wait, wait... have you ever read Leviticus 19:29? The verse immediately AFTER the "it’s not for me" Leviticus 19:28? This is the only place in the Bible that God directly forbids someone to prostitute their daughter. 

HEART: Uhh...

BRAIN: And since, it’s ONLY in the Old Testament Levitical Law (and "hey, dude, we’re NOT under the law") – it MUST be okay by the Lord for a parent to cause their daughter to prostitute. Same sick, perverted, wicked, line of reasoning as the "it’s ONLY in the Old Testament-tattoo-bearer-wearer". Same reasoning... Same disobedience... Same perversion of the Word of God.

HEART: Come on man... 

BRAIN: What about human sacrifice of children? No where in the New Testament is this forbidden. Does that mean that NOW under the New Testament, God Almighty endorses throwing babies into the fire as a human sacrifice? Think.

HEART: Oh boy... I always come short. I hate you brain... 

This is a call for those who want to use their head (reason) and not their heart (emotions).

P.S.: Go back to the top and stare at the picture. Draw your own conclusions.

Luke Castro
YPG National Coordinator.


Genesis J. Vielman said...

Its amazing how we all think of many things but at the end we don't end up using our brain but our emotions.. why because, for the simple fact that we are not willing to go further than just thinking your using your head when your actully using your heart but we do not meditate or try to reason from our actions

Thank you so much for sharing the uplifting message!!

Chrissy2497 said...

My conclusion is the brain gives many opportunities, avenues and pit stops to stop and think about what your doing. The heart doesn't, its just, ” woo hoo, let's go!” That's where you get in trouble. You have no time to stop and think. Big mistake!

Jennifer Soriano said...

Its very true, how we let our heart deceive us . We decide to listen and do what the heart says instead of what are brain is saying. Yesterday our YPG pastor was talking about this same topic. Meanwhile he was taking I was remembering this post that I had read before going to the YPG meetting.

Thanks for the post :-)

Marcia said...

Miami, Florida

I was told THAT more than once by long gone friends, and after a while, I learned to challenge them. But I think I'll start using yours because these would embarrass them more, chances are that because of the embarrassment, they will start to THINK. Ha!

stefani lopes said...

It's intresting how this really does happpen in life. but we are the one that decides. stefani lopes pompano beach florida simeon ypg

Brian Deon said...

I agree Pr.Luke,We always make up some excuses to do what we want. We have to use the sense God gave at times to make the right decision because sometimes our best interest isn't at always at heart. Brian YPG Shepherd Houston,Tx.

Genesis J. Vielman said...

I agree with you on that chrissy, we know what to do, and have a brain but we choose not to use it. But we will always have an opportunity to stop and listen!