Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Have a Dream...

I've watched this movie numerous times. It's very inspirational. 
If you haven't watched it yet I strongly encourage to do it within 
the next 3 days as I'll be writing a post about it on Friday.

There are 4 types of youth in this world. I'll talk to you more about it on the next blog.

Luke Castro
YPG National Coordinator


saul_patricio@yahoo.com said...

I saw the movie (Freedom Writers) last sunday in the ypg very strong movie. What I learn is that we always have to do WHAT IS RIGHT like the girl that went to court.

joseperez said...

Todos tenemos sueños. Todos tenemos un pasado unos fueron buenos otros fueron malos.Pero lo que cuenta es el presente, el haorita, las decisiones que tomas, el camino que tomamos para el futuro. Somos joves con fuersas y enerjias llenos de vida.Cuando dejamos que el pasado entre en nuestro presente el pasado solo nos trai enojo, resentimento, frustraciones ect. no podemos avansar al futuro por las cosas que pasaron en el pasado.Pero si escojemos el camino de perdonar, del olbido y nos enfocamos hacis lo buenoy ponemos a Dios en nuestros planes, en nuetros sueños nuestro futuro sera grandioso.

Jennifer Soriano said...

This movie is very powerful and strong. I really liked the movie and I enjoy seen it.

stefani lopes said...

very strong. stefani pompano florida simeon ypg

Triana ! said...

Pastor ,
When i saw this movie i was bearly knowing about God and about how He could change me. This movie inspired me to stop living in the Past and inspired me that only casue i grew up in bad home in a bad neighbor hood i couldnt achieve big things but this movie is very good and would like everyone to see this .. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!

Genesis J. Vielman said...

Ohh I remember when I first watched this movie, it is very inspirational, and it sure helped me a lot when I did watched; am actually thinking in watching it again:) Thanks