Friday, November 20, 2009

1st trait: Indecision

Some youths were stunned with what was discussed in our last YPG meeting, when we uncovered the first trait: INDECISION. I believe some of them were expecting to hear something like addiction, promiscuity, hate, envy, etc.

They guessed wrong. Indecision is a trait of those who don't live by faith. They are always divided between thoughts. Jesus once said, 'But let your “Yes” be “Yes,” and your “No,” “No,” lest you fall into judgment.' (James 5:12). In another occasion He said, 'So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. (Revelation 3:16). In other words, pick one.

No matter the outcome of that decision, just pick one. If the result isn't good then at least you've learned a lesson. It will be different next time. You will acquire some experience. If you continue wavering between thoughts then you will never achieve anything, neither learn with your mistakes.


Jana Fernandes said...

Pastor, estou gostando muito do blog! Vou recomendar p/ o pessoal do Grupo Jovem aqui da Catedral (RJ)! Deus abençoe o YPG!

Maritza Barr said...

I agree. One of the simplest thing, can definitely create a barrier or a wall between us and God. One would expect that an ungodly trait would be breaking one of the ten commandments, "thou shall not rob, murder, etc.." My word from now on will be yes or no, nothing else.

Lily Torn said...

That is true. You have to make many decisions in life, you can't live on the verge of yes or the verge of no. Make a choice, stick with it, and if was a mistake, you learn from it.

Leyli said...

This undecided trait is very dangerous. First for our spiritual life then if we don't decide we are going to be stuck in between two thoughts and our life is either going to stay the same or its going to get worse. I am not desiring evil on anyone. For I want the best for you all. Don't be conformed with the way your life is now. God wants something much greater for us. So lets go ppl strive to be hot in your faith not cold or lukewarm. Right now is a good chance don't let the opportunity pass you by. Campaing of Isreal is here!!!!:)

Alicia Montalvo said...

I remember that meeting. It was very strong.

UYG UMLAZI said...

Strong Pr, it messages like this that makes us tuely convert because we are deceived thinking we are in a boundery so we safe. Once you know that being on the boundary you occupy satan's territory, you would rather be a decided person.