Friday, April 13, 2012

The Enemy Within: The HEART

HEART: It's deceitful above ALL things and desperately wicked, who can know it? - Jr 17:9

I'm not referring to the human heart (organ) but the heart which is the center of all emotions.

Let me enlighten you: 

If you get angry at someone your heart immediately begins to beat fast. But, on the other hand, if someone is mean to you your heart quickly invites you to keep a grudge. And every time you remember that incident you feel a sharp pain in your chest.

I tell you more, if somebody yells at you and is rude to you your human instinct is to slap that person across the face.

These are few examples of what people can do once under the influence of their emotions, which are all sponsored and provided by the heart.

The video below will help understand it better. It's just one example among many others. 

Watch carefully, draw some lessons and wait until the next post to find out how you can guard yourself against your heart. Remember, he'll always be there. 

Luke Castro
YPG National Coordinator


Marlon said...

If we listen to the heart it will make us fall and drag us through desperate circunstances, therefore we must think carefully using our head before taking a decision.

Esty said...

Use your head not your heart. I will keep using this quote to always remember, that the heart is wicked!! Thanks for the message :D

Chrissy2497 said...
