Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Are You Ignoring God's Voice?

Samuel was young when he was called by God. Although he was already in the house of God and was ministering His word, Samuel was unable to recognise God’s voice when He called. Why? Because he did not know God for himself yet.
This example applies to many youths in the church today. They come, they clean, they help and take part in many activities in the church but yet when God calls them they do not recognize His voice because they have not yet had an encounter with Him.
God called Samuel three times, and three times he ran to Eli, the prophet, believing it was he who called. Eli advised Samuel that he ought to have an encounter with God, otherwise he would never be able to be used by Him as he wanted.

"For how long will you continue to hear message after message

and not take the decision to know God for yourself?"

Just like Samuel, the youth hears the voice of God but because he does not recognise it, he runs to Eli (the Pastor) for direction. But more often than never, they don’t put anything they get from the pastor into action and consequently are never able to discern God’s voice for themselves. In fact, many think that what the Youth Pastor is telling them to do is too hard, that we are meant to understand their situation and not criticize. CRITICISM? Give me a break! We are meant to speak in a way that their faith will be awaken, and not spoon-feed them.
So I ask you dear friend, for how long will you continue to run to Eli? For how long will you continue to hear message after message and not take the decision to know God for yourself? Seek this encounter with God that you may know Him for yourself so when He calls you will recognise His voice and answer “Speak, for your servant hears” (1 Samuel 3:10). If you do this friend, be sure that God will use you greatly just as He used Samuel.
"So Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground." (1Samuel 3:19)

Pr Luke Castro
YPG National Coordinator


Triana ! said...

Many youth are asleep in that aspect in having an encounter with God. some want to hear his voice but cant because of not having an encounetr witrh him. And some depend on the pastor to do everything for them and they themselves dont see that they are not growing and practesing there faith ..wow... Thanyou for this amazing message. It helped me ALOT!

Heidy Cuero said...

I totally agree!!! This is what our youths, and some tribe's leaders need!!!