Friday, March 25, 2011

21 Days

Now if anyone does not have 
the Spirit of Christ, 
he is not His.

Romans 8:9


ashley vazquez said...

21 days fasting I'm up for the challenge...

jessica aguilar said...

And if he isnt His then he will not enter His Kingdom either! if he doesnt enter His kingdom then he is heading somewhere else... and that is a long term of suffering. This also why its very important to have His Spirit and to be His.

Vania F. said...

If we are not baptised with the Holy Spirit, how can we be of God?? Of course we can't!!! We can be special in the eyes of human being, but then if we can't call God's attention and really depende on Him and receive the Holy Spirit, then for sure we are losing the most precious gift from God: our salvation, eternal life.